Sell your item at L'Étoile

With our largest collection of preloved designer bags, we are always open to new treasures. You can always contact us if you have a designer item to sell!

We take bags and accessories (such as purses and jewelry) in consignment. The brands we currently allow are Chanel, Louis Vuitton and Hermès. But if you have a nice item from, for example, Dior, Prada, Fendi, Balenciaga or Gucci, you are always welcome to show it. In most cases we also take these items on consignment.

Chanel Classic Flap Bag Medium White and Beige Lambskin Leather

You determine a sales price together with our (vintage) designer bag expert, who has more than 20 years of experience in this industry. During this check, the expert checks the bag for authenticity, but the condition is also checked.

If you agree to put your item on consignment, we will display the item at one of our two stores in Amsterdam. In Maastricht we only have our own bags and accessories and not any consignment item at the moment.

In most cases the item will also appear on our social media channels. In this way, your item will be showcased to all our online followers in a personal way. If the item has been sold, you will receive 60% of the established and agreed sale price. 

Make the appointment
In order to decide whether your item is suitable for sale, it is important that out expert sees your bag personally. That is why we can only take items with us on consignment if an appointment has been made in advance. The check always takes place with the expert in our store at Nieuwe Spiegelstraat 27, Amsterdam. 

Contact us
To make an appointment to sell your bag, you can contact us in the following ways. You can send us an e-mail on, reach us via WhatsApp on +31 (0)623470525 , through Instagram on @etoile_luxury_vintage or by telephone on +31 (0)20 362 9002. We are only available by phone during our opening hours.

Please note that we cannot give a price based on photos, only our bag expert can decide on location. 

Frequently asked questions 
How are the items authenticated in this process?
The authentication process, similar to accepting consignment items, is only conducted by appointment and at our physical location. We do not authenticate items online or solely based on photos due to the susceptibility to fraud. Additionally, our expert can authenticate items without requiring them to be consigned, but only for brands that we also sell ourselves.


Where can I sell my designer bag in Amsterdam? 
At L'Étoile Luxury Vintage, at the location on Nieuwe Spiegelstraat 27 in Amsterdam. We do work on a consignment base.

How long will it take for my designer item to sell?
This varies a lot. Sometimes it sells the same day, but less popular items often take a little longer. After all, it is a unique item, and we only need one person that is interested. 

Should I no longer want to sell my item with you, what do I do? 
The item belongs to you, so you can have it back at any time, if not sold of course. We would like to hear in advance when you would like to pick up your item, so we can indicate in which store the item is currently on display. If the item has already been sold, we cannot recover it from the buyer.